22 Month Old Nap Schedule:
Your baby is most likely pretty solidly on one nap a day. It can be nice to think of the day in three parts at this stage – morning, nap and afternoon. The morning might include a fun activity like a playdate, playgroup or playground visit, then home for lunch and a nap and then out again for more fun in the afternoon if everyone is up for it! Enjoy that luxurious nap time and catch up on something fun for yourself – everyone needs a rest in toddler-world!
22 Month Old Feeding Schedule:
Most babies of this age love solid foods. While they may be drinking cow milk, they shouldn’t be ingesting more than 20 ounces a day. If your baby is drinking more than 20 ounces of cow’s milk, take it as a sign that they may need more solid food, which should be the main source of their nutrients, especially as they near their second birthday. Three meals a day should now be commonplace in your baby’s daily routine, with each day providing more information about baby’s flavor and texture preferences. Have some fun by experimenting with various food flavors, textures, and combos baby may enjoy.
How Long Should A 22 Month Old Sleep?
Your little one should be sleeping around 11-12 hours each night, and around 1-2 hours during the day. They may start to experience the unpleasantness of nightmares and a fear of the dark, which can be soothed by a nightlight. Find a nightlight in a soothing shape and color, and make sure that it’s bright enough to gently illuminate the room, without being too distracting.
Resist the urge to transition baby to a toddler bed as the positive and calming associations they’ve likely developed with their crib allows for more restful sleep, helping to create a more dynamic relationship between baby and family.
22 Month Schedule
Wake 6:30 AM |
Consider combining two meals at this point — breakfast and milk, as your baby will be very hungry after a long stretch of not being fed overnight. Feel free to include the little one in your family's breakfast, if that's something you'd like to do! |
Breakfast 7:30 AM |
Foods to try for this first meal of the day might include oatmeal, whole wheat pancakes with blueberries, roasted cherry tomatoes, and scrambled eggs! Toast fingers with avocado or butter are also solid options! |
Snack (Optional) 10:00 AM |
A (small) snack is good for your baby at this time in the morning. |
Lunch 12:00 PM |
If your baby is comfortable with a solid lunch at this age, keep introducing a variety of flavors and textures to continue expanding their palate and encouraging nutritional growth. Self-feeding may start to happen (awesome!) as they grow more independent. |
Nap time 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
Don't let your little one sleep for more than 2 hours, between these hours. |
Milk Feed 2:30 PM |
A quick feed for your little one will be nice after a lovely afternoon nap. |
Snack (Optional) 4:00 PM |
Snack please! Your little one might be hungry between lunch and dinner, but don't give them too much otherwise they'll be full for dinner. Try giving your baby some strawberries, red pepper slices, (baby) carrots, a clementine, a mini whole-wheat bagel with peanut/almond butter, or even a hard boiled egg. You can be creative here, just keep it light and portable so it can be eaten on the go. |
Dinner 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM |
This is an optional milk feed — your little one is probably still full from dinner, and has gotten most of their nutrition from solid foods. |
Bathtime 6:00 PM |
Splish-splash! It's time for a bath! |
Milk Feed and Book 6:15 PM |
This is an optional milk feed, especially since your little one is probably getting most of their nutrition from solid foods throughout the day. |
Bedtime 6:30 PM |
Time for bed. Sweet Dreams! |