Growth & Milestones
Why Is Sleep So Important for My Child's Growth and Development?
Sleep is as imperative as nutrition and exercise when it comes child growth and development. However, sleep has often been absent in children’s health messaging. When sleep is taken into account, t...
Health & Wellness
10 Relationship Tips After Baby
Most couples tell me that they didn’t prepare their relationship for the stress to come once they became parents. And yet, the research is clear. Couples will experience a decline in their relation...
Health & Wellness
8 Ways to Prioritize Yourself When You're a Parent
This is your friendly reminder to remember yourself. Whether you’re expecting or already have children, know that it’s not selfish to prioritize yourself. As a mother, your body will prioritize you...
Health & Wellness
Tips for Traveling With Baby
Whether this is the first time you’re traveling with kiddos or your earliest opportunity post-pandemic, the best way to ensure you’re actually able to enjoy yourself is to be prepared. Hopping on a...
Health & Wellness
A Personal Trainer Shares the Do’s and Don'ts of Working Out While Pregnant
I’m Amanda Butler, a NASM-certified personal trainer and PROnatal (Levels I & II), AFAA Perinatal certified prenatal and postpartum trainer based in The Big Apple. The word is out. During pregn...
Health & Wellness
How to Ease Into a Fitness Routine After Baby
As a NASM CPT Certified Trainer and PROnatal (Levels I & II) and AFAA Perinatal Specialist, my clients come to me to get back on their feet after delivery. Exercise is a game-changer for not on...
6 Tips from a Baby Safety Expert to Keep Your Baby Safe
While we, as parents, should absolutely take a proactive approach when it comes to preventing the most common and most fatal types of injuries for babies, many other safety measures can be consider...
Safe Sleep: Tips for a Secure and Comfortable Sleep Environment for Your Baby
Creating a safe sleep space for your baby
We’re the kind of people who notice everything, from trends in sleep data to the slightly crooked diplomas hanging on our favorite doctor’s office wall. We...
Health & Wellness
5 Unexpected Feelings You May Encounter in the Early Days of Nursing
In the early days of nursing, your body will be going through A LOT of changes. This is to be expected since you just gave birth to a tiny human! With these changes comes unexpected feelings, and I...
Health & Wellness
10 Questions to Ask Your OBGYN at the First Prenatal Visit
Congratulations, you are pregnant! After peeing on countless sticks, you are ready to see your OBGYN for that first prenatal appointment. A new pregnancy can fill you with so many emotions, ranging...
Health & Wellness
Nighttime Diaper Changes — How Often Should You Change Your Baby’s Diaper at Night?
Learn how to manage nighttime diaper changes without disrupting your baby's sleep. Explore our tips to parent confidently through the night.
Baby Sleep Basics
Many parents experience sleep struggles with their little ones. Sleep struggles include taking a long time to get baby to fall asleep, short 40 minute naps, frequent night waking and early morning ...
Health & Wellness
Is It Time to See a Fertility Doctor?
Our friends at Reproductive Medicine Associates (RMA) have shared why National Infertility Awareness Week exists and ways to support those struggling with infertility. Reproductive Endocrinologist ...
Tips for Happy and Long Naps for Newborns to Toddlers
When you have a baby, everyone talks about sleeping through the night as the holy grail of sleep. But as any parent holding a fussy, overtired infant in her arms quickly learns: daytime sleep is es...
Nursing & Feeding
Night Weaning 101 - When and How to Night Wean
Remember when being up at 3am meant you were having a good night? No? Everything’s a bit foggy since you had a baby? After those crazy, hazy newborn days, most parents are longing for an uninterrup...
Nanit News
Nanit Research To Be Featured At IPSA Congress
We are thrilled to announce Nanit’s part in the Congress of the International Pediatric Sleep Association (IPSA). The Nanit camera has been utilized in sleep research across the globe, and some of...
Nanit News
Say Hello to Nanit Pro
Would you believe us if we told you a baby monitor could make parents’ lives easier? Since its inception, ...
Growth & Milestones
4 Month Sleep Regression: Why It Happens & Tips to Survive It
Just as you’re emerging from the newborn haze and your baby is sleeping for longer stretches during the ni...
5 Newborn Sleep Tips for Exhausted New Parents
Your baby will learn a lot from you over the years. Perhaps the first and most important skill you’ll teach...
Health & Wellness
Meal Prepping Before Baby
Helping people make their lives easier is something that Dini Klein has dedicated much of her life to. As ...
Health & Wellness
4 Tips for Winding Down at Night
As parents of little ones we spend A LOT of time thinking about our baby’s sleep routines: what’s working, what’s not, how to create the perfect sleep environment and on and on. During that first ...
Health & Wellness
New Parents Have Made It Through the First Few Months of the Pandemic: Here’s How They’re Doing.
As a new parent, you may be surprised at the level of worry you feel. You’ll perceive everything as a pote...
What in the World Is Your Baby Dreaming About?
Babies spend a lot of their days and, hopefully!, nights sleeping, which begs the question – do they spend...