Postpartum Anxiety & Depression
Sleep and temperament in 12 months old infants
In this study we propose to address this knowledge gap by investigating the relationship between infant sleep and temperament at 12 months of age, relying on objective sleep metrics.
Postpartum Anxiety & Depression
Examining Symptoms and Knowledge of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Fathers
Shambhavi Thakur, Maristella Lucchini, Natalie Barnett.
Presented at 8th Annual Sleep & Research Symposium at Yale 2023
Perinatal mental health research and clinical practice have f...
Postpartum Anxiety & Depression
Are parents of infants with sleep problems at risk for daytime dysfunction?
Using the novel Nanit camera sleep tracking system and algorithm to objectively measure infant sleep, this study aimed to investigate the subjective daytime dysfunction in parents of infants with a...
Postpartum Anxiety & Depression
The incidence of male postpartum depression is related to income and age in a sample of American fathers
This study was designed to understand and highlight the incidence of PPD in new fathers in the United States.
Postpartum Anxiety & Depression
Nighttime parental interventions are related to the severity of male postpartum depression
This pilot study was designed to examine correlations between infant sleep, parental interventions and PPD in males.
Peer-Reviewed Published Studies
Sleep Health
A preliminary study on the performance of the Nanit auto-videosomnography scoring system against observed video scoring and actigraphy to estimate sleep-wake states in infants.
The goal was to examine the performance of the Nanit auto-videosomnography scoring system as a measure of sleep-wake states in infants compared to observed video scoring and actigraphy.
Sleep Health
Parental Misperceptions About Infant Sleep as a Moderator Between Co-Sleeping and Infant Sleep
The purpose of this study was to investigate associations between co-sleeping, infant sleep, and parental misperceptions about infant sleep.
Sleep Health
Sleeping through COVID-19: a longitudinal comparison of 2019 and 2020 infant auto-videosomnography metrics.
This study used auto-videosomnography to capture the effects of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders imposed in the USA on objectively measured infant sleep.
About Nanit Lab
We've put together a cutting-edge think tank of scientists, engineers, physicians, academic experts, and thought leaders to develop best-in-class research among three primary pillars: Sleep Health, Postpartum Anxiety & Depression, and Pediatric Health and Wellness.